I always get bored of the seasons so quickly. Half way through each one I am ready for the next. Now Fall is my all time favorite season and call me crazy but I also thoroughly enjoy Winter. I love the look of fresh snow on the ground and just the smell of the air in Winter. (I said you could call me crazy. But Winter air really does have a smell). There are things I don't enjoy about Winter, like when it gets below zero degrees out or when I have to scrap my car off every morning and most of all driving in hazardous conditions. But nothing can beat the Holiday season. Christmas is my favorite holiday and since I no longer work in retail (which sucks the Christmas spirit out of you before Thanksgiving even hits) I can truly enjoy the season. But then January comes and I am pretty much over Winter and ready for Spring. Mostly because Spring means April which means my birthday( the 24th if you would like to send cards or gifts!! :) I enjoy Spring because by that time I am over being freezing every time I step outside and am ready for it to be warm (but not hot yet) I feel like here in Cincinnati we usually skip over Fall and Spring and just dive head first into Winter and Summer and that makes me angry. I need ALL four seasons, I don't think that is too much to ask. Spring means the flowers start to bloom and everything looks new. Then June comes and it is Summer. Shockingly to most people, Summer is my least favorite season. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy some aspects of it, cause believe me I do! But since I am now an adult (completely against my will) and no longer in school. Summer no longer means 3 whole months of freedom to pretty much do whatever I want (or nothing at all). I now still have to work 9-5, 5 days a week no matter what season it is. So I don't have much time for swimming or laying out, basically all the things that make Summer great.
I would much rather be cold than hot. When I am hot it is like my body shuts down and I cannot do anything. I feel completely disgusting, it is just not a pretty picture and I tend to get aggravated and (I've heard) slightly mean. My family always makes fun of me because I really don't enjoy the outdoors, I freak out over any sort of insect, extreme temperatures aren't my thing, and can I help it if I just like to be inside?No, I cannot. It is one of my few flaws. (Just kidding, I could write a novel of flaws!)
Anyways, I don't think I could ever move somewhere where the seasons didn't change because I would go crazy, thus explaining my made up Seasons A.D.D. Now I can't be the only one with this problem (is it a problem? I don't know) but it is something. And please don't shoot me for not being a Summer girl... :P
Ps. I feel like these are long posts about really nothing. Should posts be this long? Does it matter? Oh well, to each their own. Mine are long apparently so if you made it this far-Congrats! and thank you!!
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